The most widely used IT tools today are cellular communications and the Internet, mobile phones and computers. Nevertheless, each narrow branch of science and production has its own specific equipment, specially developed software that ensures the operation of devices, and so on.
Introduction of modern information technologies in medicine is not only natural, but also brings health care to a new level, as prompt access to information and its exchange significantly reduces the time needed to find solutions to the problem, and time is often a decisive factor in saving lives.
Why is it necessary to introduce information technologies in medicine
The current way of keeping records of patients and monitoring their condition can be called objectively outdated and bankrupt. Polyclinics give only 10-15 minutes to examine the patient, study his history, prescribe studies or treatment.
Of course, this time is not enough, given that the doctor must make notes in the patient’s card and in his or her registration and reporting documentation.
The use of information technologies in medicine makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on paperwork.
The creation of electronic medical records will allow each employee of the health care system to immediately receive complete information about all diseases and injuries of the patient, to monitor changes in such indicators as heart rate, blood pressure, hemoglobin or blood sugar level, to have an idea of what drugs are taken by the patient and how effective they are in a particular case.
This is especially useful if a person urgently needs medical care in another city (for example, he was hit by a car and is in a coma), and there is no way to know the above information.
In addition to solving exclusively medical problems, the application of information technologies in medicine helps to optimize the management of health care facilities, remote training and exchange of experience, communication with patients and emergency online care, control the availability of medicines and other materials in pharmacy warehouses, and so on.

IT applications in the healthcare system
Proceeding from the above problems that face modern medicine, information technologies in medicine and healthcare allow:
- Maintain optimized and streamlined patient records;
- Remotely monitor their condition (especially when there are heart implants or other organs that can even transmit information about the condition of the entire body and the device in particular);
- provide urgent assistance to the patient by phone or video link (this point is all the more relevant if the patient is in a remote area, the condition is critical and requires an urgent decision before the arrival of an ambulance, there is no way to get to the person, for example, in case of collapse of buildings, etc.);
- Keep a complete medical history, diagnostic results and prescription drugs;
- Control the correctness of the treatment prescribed, which will significantly reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment;
- Discuss the best possible treatment and organize videoconferences and remote medical consultations;
- Share professional experience, mentor and train young professionals;
- To receive information about the latest research, development and technologies in medicine;
- Effectively plan work and control its implementation, as well as the solution of unplanned tasks, by the administration of health care institutions, planning and economic department and human resources department;
- keep records of medical goods in pharmacy warehouses, register receipts and expenses, analyze and forecast the need for certain drugs;
- transfer the reporting documentation to the controlling bodies.
Types of information technologies used in medicine
As can be seen from the above methods of information technology application, they cover absolutely all spheres of medicine, from diagnostics to the organization of work of the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine, private clinics and pharmacies. Depending on the tasks that IT solves, the following classification of information technologies in medicine is highlighted:
- Medadministration systems,
- hospital medical information systems;
- Search engines;
- Diagnostic examination accounting systems;
- telemedia systems, etc.
Very important are various electronic databases that store information about patients (medical records, results of examinations), material resources, human resources (specialization, qualification), data on medicines, standards of diagnostics and treatment, as well as expert systems.
The role of information technology in medicine
Undoubtedly, the introduction of IT in the field of health care will solve several major problems of domestic medicine:
- will reduce the time spent on “paper” work and reporting,
- Accordingly, it will increase the time for the main work of the doctor: diagnosis and treatment,
- will provide access to a complete and comprehensive patient history,
- will give you quick access to specialized knowledge,
- will allow to consult with colleagues concerning ambiguous cases,
- will ensure international exchange of experience, which is an excellent way to improve the quality of medical care.
The need to use IT is noted not only by medical professionals, but also supported by the governments of all countries, including the Russian Federation. In order to introduce the latest technologies in medicine, regulations and legal acts are being developed on a regular basis in order to effectively solve this problem.
The widespread use of information technologies in the health care system will have a positive impact on the indicators of successful treatment of the population and the longevity and quality of life of patients.
Do you agree that the introduction of information technologies in healthcare will have an impact on improving the quality of medical care? Have there been any noticeable changes in your medical facility with the introduction of information technologies?
We invite you to take part in the International Conference for Private Clinics “Innovative Approaches to Meeting the Expectations of Modern Patients”, where you will get the tools to create a positive image of your clinic, which will increase demand for medical services and increase profits. Take the first step in the development of your clinic.